I-Net Consultancy Services

ISO Consultancy, Compliance & Certainty

I-Net Consultancy Services


GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) is a new regulation which came into effect on 25 th May 2018 which affects any organisation, club or association that collects or processes personal data.

What is personal data? Any data that can clearly identify a person – i.e telephone number; personal email; photographs; address; date of birth; bank details; ethnic origin; religion;criminal records; medical & health records; pension details. This is not information on other companies / it is personal data.

This means that all organisations must carefully consider the data they receive, hold or process within the company, how it is used, stored, shared and retained; as there will now be a number of requirements under the new regulation. Penalties will be in force should an organisation fail to implement the new requirements or in the instance of unreported data protection breach.

Any individual will now have the “right to be forgotten” and therefore every organisation must have the policies, processes and mechanisms in place to show evidence that they have carried out the review and assessment to complete this.

To this end, I-Net Consultancy Services have developed our RADAR package to assist in assuring compliance to GDPR requirements and we offer the following...

  • Conduct a Review meeting with yourselves for the purposes of establishing
    the data sources & type of personal held
  • Assess the risk and impact by completing a Data Privacy Impact Assessment
    and complete a Data Inventory & Mapping exercise with yourselves
  • Document the required forms / processes and policies required in order to
    highlight compliance and control as a result of the assessments
  • Conduct a Review meeting with yourselves for the purposes of establishing
    the data sources & type of personal held
  • Conduct a Review meeting with yourselves for the purposes of establishing the data sources & type of personal held
  • Highlight the Actions required; relevant to the size of your organization and the level of personal data held
  • Carry out a final review of the system (audit) to ensure your Readiness
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